Monday, April 25, 2011

Holy Cow....

I like how I had a goal to update this like once a week, or even once a month, and clearly that hasn't happened since it's now April and I haven't written anything since September...anyways...

About a month ago my pump broke!! The screen just stopped working. So I had to go on shots from friday-monday. Which in reality, is not a long time, but it felt like FOREVER. I didn't even realize how much my pump is a part of me. I felt like I was missing a freakin arm or something. I kept like searching for my pump when I would wake up during the night. I HATED being back on shots. Let's just say, that monday when my pump came, was like THE BEST DAY of my life. I am soooo never taking my pump for granted again!! I went to the doctor like two or three weeks ago, and since then I've been trying to eat less carbs and more protein, and less soda (which super sucks, in case you were wondering) and it's really been helping out my blood sugars! And I've been feeling tons better because of it. I feel more like myself!


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