Tuesday, July 28, 2009

About us!

This blog is about my sister and i and our life with diabetes. my name's Alyssa and my sister's name is Haylee. i was diagnosed when i was 13 and my sister was diagnosed when she was 2 1/2. we're both currently on insulin pumps, i have the Animas 2020 and my sister has the Medtronic Paradigm. i got my pump in may of this year and i absolutely love it! it's way way better than shots. and i like how it has the carb book in it so i dont have to carry one around with me and i dont have to memorize how much carbs foods have. i was on lantus up until i got my pump. i only got one shot a day but it still sucked. nobody likes getting shots. my sister got her pump when she was 7 and was on humalog before that. i absolutely recommend getting a pump if you can. i recommend Animas and of course my sister recommends Medtronic. we have this ongoing argument about it all the time. we just signed up for the JDRF walk for diabetes which is on october 31 this year. we're designing our team shirts and are super excited for it!

Alyssa and Haylee

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